Pharmacogenetic test

249,00 € each

Pharmacogenetic test is a genetic test that examines drug efficacy based on person’s genetic attributes. Test results can be used to determine safe and efficient dosing for over 120 commonly prescribed drug substances.

Genetic variation plays an essential role in safety and effectiveness in the variety of drugs. This means that the same dosage does not fit for everyone. The wrong dosage can cause severe adverse effects or lead to unnecessary use of drugs. Individual’s unique variation in metabolizing drug substances can be solved using pharmacogenetic testing.

ChromoGenetics provides an easy and reliable solution for genetic testing: a simple buccal swab test can be done at home and mailed to the laboratory for analyzation. After a few weeks, the test results will be emailed to you in easy-to-read report form. The report covers more than 100 common drug substances and includes individual dosing recommendations for each substance.

PGx test studies the most relevant pharmacogenetic genes such as CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 among several others.

You will get the most value from a pharmacogenetic test when it is taken before a new medication is started. This enables prescribing the right dosage of the right drug, and it reduces trouble, risks, and additional health care costs related to medication.

The test is especially useful if you are already using a drug that is known to have pharmacogenetic variance.

You will receive results in three different categories: Pain, Heart, Mood.


Pain and Pain Relief medications include a large variety of drugs of which safety and efficacy depend on pharmacogenetics. For example, painkiller codeine’s efficacy is non-existent or very mild for 2-5 % of the population and too or even dangerously excessive for 7-8 %.


Blood and Vascular Disease medications include a wide variety of drugs of which safety and efficacy are depending on pharmacogenetics. For example, the preventive medicine of a stroke, clopidogrel, is inefficient and inoperative for almost 30 % of the population.


Mood and Psyche medications include many drugs of which safety and efficacy are depending on pharmacogenetics. These medications are often used for a long period of time so a pharmacogenetic test would be beneficial when beginning to use these drugs.

Due to technical reasons, the arrival of genetic test results may take different times. The expected time is within a month from the date the test has been done.