
Buccal swab

Buccal cell sampling offers a viable alternative to blood collection, and enables high yields of pure, intact DNA to be collected easily and quickly.


Sampling KIT

Each DNA Collection kit contains the following items: Easy-to-follow collection instructions, Two sterile buccal swabs per person, One sample envelope per person, Consent Form

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  • Twin Zygosity Test

Twin Zygosity Test

209,00 € each

This DNA test definitively determines whether twins are identical or fraternal by testing the two individuals in question.

Identical twins come from one fertilized egg, called a zygote. The zygote, which usually develops into one child, grows and splits early in development to form two embryos, creating twins with the exact same DNA. Fraternal twins, on the other hand, develop when two different eggs in the mother’s womb are fertilized by two different sperms. Fraternal twins will not have exactly the same DNA.

All our twin zygosity tests utilize stringent, validated testing procedures and include up to 22 STR loci plus the gender identification marker amelogenin in order to achieve 100% accurate results.

    • Location

      Ziemssenstraße 1
      80336 Munich, Germany

      Mon – Sat: 9AM – 6PM
      Sunday: 11AM – 3PM

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      Phone: +49 89 440052590
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